What is Ranking?
A web pages relative placement for a certain search query.
Determined by
Relevancy (on-page keyword factors ) how well a web page matches a specific word ( keyword ) search
Page Importance ( off-page link factors ) is dependent on Quality and Quantity of the incoming links from other web sites also determines page rank ( PR )
Ranking Results for top ten
Results or hits for relative ranking
First page
1st position 30 %
2nd position 15 %
3rd position 7 %
4th position 5 %
5th position 4 %
6th position 4 %
7th position 2 %
8 th position 2 %
- 9th position 2 %
- 10th position 5 %
Google Ranking
Google spider call Googlebot will visit monthly. Google visits daily if the site is popular.
How google ranks Websites:
Google uses an algorithm using over 100 different criteria In the calculation of each web pages ranking. Most important 2 factors are the Keywords and Links
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